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Fancy Goldfish: Oranda, Black Moor, Ryukin, Pearlscale

Red Orandas and a Red Cap Oranda The term "Fancy Goldfish" refers to members of the Goldfish family specifically bred to enhance certain colors or body characteristics, such as the tail or head shape. Goldfish are members of the carp family (Cyprinidae) which includes more native members of freshwater fish in the northern hemisphere than any other group.

Varieties of Fancy Goldfish include the Fantail or Ryukin, Veiltail, Globe-eye, Celestial, Bubble-eye or Toadhead, Pearlscale, Pompom, Lionhead or Ranchu, Black Moor, and Oranda. Each variety may share commonalities with other varieties but generally has at least one characteristic that sets it apart.

No matter what variety, the Fancy Goldfish is sure to add color and beauty to any aquarium or water garden.

Interesting Facts:
Family: Cyprinidae.
Origin: Asia, China, Japan. Though originally from Asia, these beautiful fish gained international popularity. Now different varieties are bred world-wide
Size: 6+" depending on variety
Diet: Omnivorous.
Tank Setup: Freshwater aquariums and ponds.
Tank Conditions: 65-75°F; pH 6.5-7.5; KH 4-20
Min. Tank Capacity: 29 gallons
Light: Natural.
Temperament: Peaceful.
Swimming Level: All.
Care Level: Easy
Reproduction: Egg layers.


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