Pipefish reach an average of eight inches. Pipefish are relatively hardy and adjust well to aquarium life if maintained in water conditions with low current and plenty of branching gorgonias, algae, or coral decorations. Because Pipefish have difficulty competing for food, they are best kept in a tank containing only Seahorses and Pipefish. Live foods such as vitamin-enriched brine shrimp, small ghost shrimp, or copepods and amphipods found in live rock are usually preferred.
Pipefish reach an average of eight inches. Pipefish are relatively hardy and adjust well to aquarium life if maintained in water conditions with low current and plenty of branching gorgonias, algae, or coral decorations. Because Pipefish have difficulty competing for food, they are best kept in a tank containing only Seahorses and Pipefish. Live foods such as vitamin-enriched brine shrimp, small ghost shrimp, or copepods and amphipods found in live rock are usually preferred.