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Anthias: Beautiful, ray-finned fish for your aquarium!

Dispar Anthias
Dispar Anthias (Pseudanthias dispar)

What are Anthias Fish?
Anthias, from the Serranidae (groupers) family and the Anthiadinae sub-family, are a beautiful breed of marine, ray-finned fish. They are also known as Swallowtail Sea Perch or Marine Goldfish (due to their vibrant color similar to the shades on that of a goldfish - albeit a bit more reddish - although they tend to also come in pink, orange and yellow).

Indian Ocean Lyretail Anthias
Indian Ocean Lyretail Anthias ( Pseudanthias squamipinnis )

What do Anthias eat?
Anthias are active carnivores that enjoy consuming small organisms that float around in the water column, including copepods, crustacean larvae, eggs, and zoo plankton.

It is essential that Anthias get enough to eat. Supplement their diet with frozen Mysis shrimp, enriched frozen brine shrimp, and high-quality flake food given in small quantities throughout the day.

How big do Anthias get?
Males tend to grow up to a maximum size of just under four inches and females are slightly smaller.

What size of tank do Anthias need?
If you plan on keeping just a single Lyretail Anthias, a minimum size of 70-gallon tank would suffice. However, if you plan on having more than one, you will need a larger tank. A small harem of about five would require a 150-gallon tank.

Carberryi Anthias
Carberryi Anthias (Nemanthias carberry)

Are Anthias fish peaceful?
Anthias are an easy species to keep in your aquarium. They have a very peaceful temperament and make for excellent tank mates as long as they are fed well. If they are underfed or kept in cramped conditions, Anthias tend to become aggressive towards smaller, more passive fish.

Different varieties of Anthias fish can be kept together in a shared space, but keep in mind that there is a subtle pecking order. After an initial bullying period and after the pecking order has been established, Anthias return to their peaceful nature.

Additionally, as long as they are not in the same complex, each species can have a male present. If you keep species that are semi-aggressive, such as the Lyretail Anthias, they should be housed with other semi-aggressive tank mates.

Fathead Sunburst Anthias
Fathead Sunburst Anthias (Serranocirrhitus latus)

What is the perfect environment for an Anthias?
Make sure to create your aquarium with plenty of live rock for hiding. In the ocean, Anthias are most frequently found on the outer reefs where strong water movement is prominent. Aquarists should compensate for this by using multiple power heads in their aquariums. This would, without doubt, result in increased activity from your Anthias fish.

Food Considerations for Anthias

Mysis Shrmip

LiveAquaria® Frozen
Mysis Shrimp Cubes

Brine Shrimp

Ocean Nutrition™ Frozen
Brine Shrimp Fish Food

Ocean Nutrition Formula Two Flakes

Ocean Nutrition
Formula Two Flakes


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