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Scarlet Gem Badis (Dario dario)
Scarlet Gem Badis
Please Note: Due to variations within species, your item may not look identical to the image provided. Approximate size range may also vary between individual specimen.
Please Note: Due to variations within species, your item may not look identical to the image provided. Approximate size range may also vary between individual specimen.
Scarlet Gem Badis (Dario dario)
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Additional locales and sizes may be available!

Quick Stats


The Scarlet Gem Badis is a shy, small freshwater fish considered one of the more underrated species in the hobby. Its brilliant coloration and unique personality reminiscent of dwarf cichlids make the Scarlet Gem Badis quite an interesting species to study.

Males feature 7 dark vertical bars across sides with bold red coloration, while females exhibit uniform grayish coloration or indistinct vertical bars. Breathtaking coloration and activity peaks during spawning, with rival males "facing off" or "dancing" alone for a female's attention.

The typical biotope for the Scarlet Gem Badis is clear, slow-moving streams with marginal vegetation. In the home aquarium, the Scarlet Gem Badis prefers densely planted aquariums with sandy substrate or fine gravel and plenty of surface vegetation as well. Also provide bogwood for hiding spots.

Not a candidate for the community aquarium, the shy Scarlet Gem Badis is best kept in species-only aquariums or alongside small anabantoids such as Liquorice Gouramis. Success has also been noted keeping with small shoals of Dwarf Spotted Rasboras, as long as you ensure enough food reaches your Scarlet Gem Badis.

Diet should consist of small live and frozen foods like bloodworm, daphnia, Cyclops and microworms. The Scarlet Gem Badis is a finicky eater, so observe carefully to ensure that what you offer is being eaten - and adjust diet accordingly.

Approximate Purchase Size: 1/2" - 1"

Customer Testimonials

Kurt D Kansas City , MO
Great price, arrived healthy and colorful, would buy again. 5*
Skylar M Atascadero , CA
these little fish are awesome i have three males im looking to get a couple females also they are very curious fish and highly active i have them in a 10 gallon with 2 red cherry shrimp not a whole lot of plants but i am looking to make it a show tank so i will put alot more plants in a way great fish easy care
1-2 of 2 testimonials

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