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Lyretail Wrasse (Thalassoma lunare)
Lyretail Wrasse
Please Note: Due to variations within species, your item may not look identical to the image provided. Approximate size range may also vary between individual specimen.
Please Note: Due to variations within species, your item may not look identical to the image provided. Approximate size range may also vary between individual specimen.
Lyretail Wrasse (Thalassoma lunare)
Additional locales and sizes may be available!
Additional locales and sizes may be available!

Quick Stats

Care Level Moderate
Temperament Aggressive
Color Form Blue, Red, Yellow
Diet Carnivore
Reef Compatible No
Water Conditions sg 1.020-1.025, 72-78° F, dKH 8-12, pH 8.1-8.4
Max. Size 10"
Family Labridae
Minimum Tank Size 125 gallons
Compatibility View Chart
What do these Quick Stats mean? Click here for more information
Care Level Moderate
Temperament Aggressive
Color Form Blue, Red, Yellow
Diet Carnivore
Reef Compatible No
Water Conditions sg 1.020-1.025, 72-78° F, dKH 8-12, pH 8.1-8.4
Max. Size 10"
Family Labridae
Minimum Tank Size 125 gallons
Compatibility View Chart
What do these Quick Stats mean? Click here for more information


Did you know that this specimen ships from our LiveAquaria® Wisconsin Facility, home of our popular Diver's Den® WYSIWYG Store and our LiveAquaria® Certified Captive Grown Corals (CCGC)? What that means is that you can rest assured knowing this specimen received the highest level of care from our experienced and professional LiveAquaria® staff!

PLUS, hobbyists that use our LiveAquaria® Professional Reef Salt have the added benefit knowing marine species shipped from our LiveAquaria® Wisconsin Facility share the same water parameters. In other words, if you use our Professional Reef Salt, marine species shipped from our Wisconsin Facility will acclimate and transition to your home aquarium with less stress to set the foundation for longer term success.

The Lyretail Wrasse is also referred to as the Lunare Wrasse or Moon Wrasse. Juveniles are blue on the lower half of their body, with a black spot in the middle of the dorsal fin and a black blotch on the caudal fin base. As the fish matures, the black blotch will start turning into a yellow crescent. Their body will begin turning green with bright facial and fin markings.

The Lyretail Wrasse should reside in a 125 gallon or larger aquarium with larger, aggressive tank mates, and plenty of rocks for hiding. It will become territorial and harass any new additions to the community, therefore, it should be the last fish added to the aquarium. It may be kept with a mate if the aquarium is 150 gallons or larger. It may eat mantis shrimp and bristleworms. It does not eat corals or live plants.

The Lyretail Wrasse diet should include vitamin enriched frozen mysis shrimp, vitamin enriched frozen brine shrimp, and other meaty foods along with a high quality marine flake and marine pellet food.

Approximate Purchase Size: Small: 2" to 4"; Medium: 4" to 6"; Large: 6" to 8"

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