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White-eyed Moray Eel (Siderea thysoidea)
White-eyed Moray Eel
Please Note: Due to variations within species, your item may not look identical to the image provided. Approximate size range may also vary between individual specimen.
Please Note: Due to variations within species, your item may not look identical to the image provided. Approximate size range may also vary between individual specimen.
On Sale
White-eyed Moray Eel (Siderea thysoidea)
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Additional locales and sizes may be available!

Quick Stats

Temperament Semi-aggressive
Color Form Brown, Tan
Diet Carnivore
Reef Compatible No
Water Conditions sg 1.020-1.025, 72-78° F, dKH 8-12, pH 8.1-8.4
Max. Size 2' 5"
Venomous Poisonous When Stressed or Dies
Family Muricidae
Minimum Tank Size 50 gallons
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Temperament Semi-aggressive
Color Form Brown, Tan
Diet Carnivore
Reef Compatible No
Water Conditions sg 1.020-1.025, 72-78° F, dKH 8-12, pH 8.1-8.4
Max. Size 2' 5"
Venomous Poisonous When Stressed or Dies
Family Muricidae
Minimum Tank Size 50 gallons
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The White Eyed Moray Eel Siderea thysoidea is also known as the Greyface Moray. With a speckled thick skinned body of tan and dark brown, it has several distinguishing features. Some of these features include a purplish-gray head, bright white eyes, and a gaping mouth. It also has a dorsal fin that runs along its entire body. With teeth that grow backward, it contains two jaws. The outer jaw clamps onto its prey and the second (pharyngeal) jaw moves forward to pull the prey backward into its mouth.

Typically a shy fish, it does have the ability to bite or eat other fish but usually does so only when provoked or is disturbed while feeding. That, coupled with the fact that they have poor eyesight, mean tongs should be used when feeding this carnivore.

When setting up its aquarium, include plenty of rock with cracks and crevices for hiding. Be sure the aquarium has a lid and a sandy substrate, as the White Eyed Moral Eel likes to burrow in sand to conceal itself. This eel is not reef safe, as it will see small fish and crustaceans as food.

In a home aquarium, the diet for this member of the Muraenidae family should consist of a variety of fresh or frozen meaty marine food as well as crabs, squid and scallops.

Approximate shipping size: 9” to 20”

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