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ChainSword - Narrow Leaf (Echinodorus tenellus)
ChainSword - Narrow Leaf
Please Note: Due to variations within species, your item may not look identical to the image provided. Approximate size range may also vary between individual specimen.
Please Note: Due to variations within species, your item may not look identical to the image provided. Approximate size range may also vary between individual specimen.
ChainSword - Narrow Leaf (Echinodorus tenellus)
Additional locales and sizes may be available!
Additional locales and sizes may be available!

Quick Stats

Care Level Moderate
Color Form Green
Water Conditions 68-84° F, KH 3-8, pH 6.2-7.5
Max. Size 6"
Family Alismataceae
Lighting Moderate
Supplements High Quality Aquarium Fertilizer
Placement Foreground
Propagation Adventitious Plants, Runners, Seeds
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Care Level Moderate
Color Form Green
Water Conditions 68-84° F, KH 3-8, pH 6.2-7.5
Max. Size 6"
Family Alismataceae
Lighting Moderate
Supplements High Quality Aquarium Fertilizer
Placement Foreground
Propagation Adventitious Plants, Runners, Seeds
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The Chain Sword - Narrow Leaf, also known as the Pygmy Chain Sword, is the smallest species of the Alismataceae family. It has very linear leaves, almost without petioles. The Chain Sword - Narrow Leaf requires sandy soil and plenty of light. Under the proper conditions, this Sword Plant will form a thick carpet with its numerous runners. It is amphibious, and will grow either partially or fully submersed.

The Chain Sword - Narrow Leaf requires moderate lighting and water temperatures between 68°-84°F for best growth. It prefers water that has a neutral pH, but can be housed in water with a pH of 6.2-7.5 and still flourish. A nutrient rich substrate will promote growth.

The runners that grow off of mature, healthy plants can best propagate the Chain Sword - Narrow Leaf. When the "baby" is approximately half the size of the "parent," cut the roots apart so they may grow separate from one another. They may occasionally produce seeds that can be used to cultivate new plants, and can also produce adventitious shoots to be used for propagation. Do not release plants into local waters. Learn more here

Approximate Shipping Size: Potted. 3" to 5"

Customer Testimonials

Helen Fan Cupertino , CA

I think that this plant is terrific! It has made my aquarium look a lot better then before. It is very hardy and easy to take care of. Thanks!
Jimmy Nunley Coalmont , TN
Beautiful plants I ordered two of them very good roots on them.
1-2 of 2 testimonials

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